Friday, October 17, 2008

What Causes Anxiety

Short and sweet? Everything and NOTHING! Reread the definition of it above. Now the picture should become a bit more clear.

In most documented cases of Anxiety attacks, the patient rarely reports any event that would have triggered the onset of the attack itself.

Now, with that said, let me also explain that when an Anxiety sufferer returns back to a situation or setting where a previous attack happened, this could trigger another attack, just because they'll be reminded of how terrifying that first attack was, and unconsciously be thinking about it successfully triggering yet another attack! It's a vicious cycle of fear.

And the greatest fear of an Anxiety attack/disorder sufferer? To have ANOTHER ATTACK! Hopefully this is beginning to make a little more sense to you now. Of course the attack hasn't killed them, and most likely won't, but it can sure feel like you're dying at the moment when an attack is occurring though.

So, the greatest determiner of having an Anxiety attack is also your greatest treasure, your MIND. Even though you can tell someone that is having an Anxiety attack that "It's All In Your Mind", this usually comes out leaving them feel you are trying to be condescending to their plight. Not a nice feeling I'm sure you'll agree. Even though you don't mean it in that way, this is most likely the way it is received.

To be more 'clinical' about Anxiety, it is, in fact, 'all in your mind'. Because the BRAIN is where all your Anxiety stems from. Many studies have focused mainly on two specific portions of the brain that are responsible for inducing feelings of fear and anxiety. It is simply an unannounced trigger that sets off one's “fight or flight” defense mechanism, kicks in the adrenaline, and BAM! A full blown Anxiety attack is on it's way forward.

Many times, Anxiety is brought about due to increased stress from daily life. Bills piling up, children seemingly out of control, pressure from work, family, and other events can trigger this disorder bringing it to the surface of an otherwise “dormant” carrier of the genetic traits passed on by their parents.

Who Suffers From Anxiety

People who you would never suspect in a million years! In fact, Anxiety is such a widespread disorder that virtually ANYONE can suffer from it. Your uncle Buddy, your Grandma Jean, your sister Annie, your neighbor Joe, your best friend Patti, or your brother George.

But, because Anxiety is one of those 'sweep it under the carpet', “embarrassment-type-I-think-I-might-be-going-crazy” disorders, people don't like to talk about it. Or admit they are long time sufferers.

Especially if you are someone always in the public eye, such as Kim Basinger. Kim had a long, difficult struggle with Anxiety disorder, and kept it a secret for quite a good portion of her life. You would never guess it to see her up on the 'silver screen' though would you? But she in fact has spoken out publicly about her battle with Anxiety in the
hopes that this may raise awareness of this dreaded disorder. And it has. She is one brave soul to expose a huge portion of her private life like this. Kudos to you Kim!

Let us not forget also that Anxiety is believed to be an inherited disorder, although your mom or pop may not show the outward symptoms of it. Remember, this is an embarrassment disorder, or one that makes the sufferer believe they are, or are going, crazy. However, not every person who has experienced an Anxiety attack will develop a full blown disorder, but don't discount the fact that potentially they COULD.

Here's an interesting statistical fact for you. According to NIMH(National Institute of Mental Health) approximately 2.4 MILLION adult Americans suffer from some form of Anxiety or Panic Disorder. That's about 40 Million! And, it is twice as common in women as it is in men. Hmmm. . .Maybe this could be a contributing factor in why women worry so much about things? ;-)

Coincidentally, the major reason for people not knowing what is happening to them, or that they are suffering from Anxiety or Panic Disorder COULD be attributed to the fact that many cases reported began in adolescence. Therefore, a child may not be as affluent in describing what they are experiencing compared to the ability of that of an adult.

The key here is to LISTEN TO YOUR CHILDREN!! You would NOT want them to
endure a childhood full of suffering and not even know the reason for it.

Another interesting fact to be aware of is that Anxiety attacks don't only happen when a person is awake! They can, and often do, happen while sleeping. How scary do you think that may be to wake up to? Indescribable would be putting it MILDLY.